Our Classes

Our expertise

Offering Individual Coaching & Mindfulness sessions

Group Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Mindfulness Course

Group MBSR Mindfulness Course

Mindfulness takes place in the present moment.  Unfortunately, we are rarely in the present moment, often lost in memories of the past or worried about the future.  Luckily mindfulness can be cultivated and strengthened to provide access to our inner wisdom and compassion. MBSR has over 40 years of research that consistently demonstrates positive outcomes associated with increased self-awareness and emotional and attentional regulation. Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) is an 8-week course of 2.5-hour sessions per week, with a full day between Week 6 and 7.  Course is suitable for people who want to learn how to cope with stress using their innate resources to improve their quality of life.  MBSR is an intensive training in mindfulness practices.  Program Fee: $300 or $565 or $725. Contact for a free orientation

Mindfulness Wellness Workshops

Mindfulness Wellness Workshops

Take a moment to invite stillness and be present, to a better sense of what is here and now, at this moment. Learning about different ways to be curious with what body sensations, feelings and/ or emotions are showing up for you in your daily life. Mindfulness is a direct and convenient way to cultivate greater intimacy with your own life unfolding. Recognizing how empowering it can be when explored fully and consciously. Developing awareness since the present moment is the only time anyone ever has for learning, growing and transforming. We are more than we think we are, we have within us resources for well-being that are, for the most part, untapped. Our Mindfulness Wellness Workshops bring people together to explore how we are showing up in our relationships, both with ourselves and others. Challenges and difficulties are workable and can lead to understanding and growth

Support & Motivation

Support & Motivation

Understanding our minds, body & heart helps us connect inwardly, befriending ourselves and supporting us to make change in our brains, if we so choose to do so. Awareness, curiosity and kindness are key in our own inner workings and relationship with ourself which often affects relationships with others: spouse, children, family, friends & co-workers. Often experiencing these new relationships fosters a blossoming of learning, insights and growth. Sometimes creating a whole new growth mindset when looking at situations and relationships through a broader lens. Understanding stress and mindfulness is not just a way to de-stress but actually change brain structure. As quoted by Jon Kabat-Zin “It is not the potential stressor itself, but how you perceive it and then how you handle it that will determine whether or not it will lead to stress”

Daily Health & Mindful Eating

Daily Health & Mindful Eating

Are we showing up and experiencing life on “autopilot” or are we interested in investigating our patterns and habits? What reward am I really getting from this? Do I want to keep on doing the same things I’ve always done? Waking up to these questions with awareness and curiosity frees up the brain to make rational and logical decisions.
- Renew
- Rebalance
- Rekindle
- Recharge

Our Daily Health classes explores all areas of the body, mind & heart in a holistic way.

Light Yoga Movements & Toning

Light Yoga Movements & Toning

Everyone, regardless of age or lifestyle, can benefit from yoga. We offer Light Yoga Movements and Toning to help with your physical and mental health, movement and mindfulness. Our classes provide:
- Yoga Movement
- Standing Yoga
- Lying Down Yoga
- Sitting Yoga
-Walking meditation

Professional Life Coaching

Professional Life Coaching

Full assessment & debrief available for individuals, as well as for companies. We need to equip individuals and organizations to meet challenges and opportunities of an increasingly complex and unpredictable world. Today’s global work environment calls for individuals with advanced cognitive and interpersonal skills with the energy to sustain peak performance. Free discovery session available.

Introduction to Mindfulness

Introduction to Mindfulness

The Mindfulness Center at Brown University works with the renowned school of public health, in conjunction with the medical school to continue to research the applications of Mindfulness. According to the World Health Organization, the average person spends 90,000 hours, 1/3 of their life, at work. Employers are thus uniquely positioned to both benefit from and provide the tools and strategies necessary for individual and organizational effectiveness and well-being. The Mindfulness Center at Brown is known for rigorous research and the highest quality of mindfulness instruction. The faculty and researchers are leaders in the field of neuroscience and mindfulness, as well as on behavior change and the impact of mindfulness-based trainings on stress, resilience, cognitive processing and positive lifestyle change.

Energy Work

Energy Work

What is energy leadership? The Energy leadership Index(ELI) is an attitudinal assessment that describes how you approach life, relationships, tasks, and situations under optimal and stressful situations. Your debrief will offer you a window to your energy and how you might want to show up differently. Partnering with a life coach to incorporate more energy into your life, developing more intuition, creativity and passion. Meeting with your coach you will unlock greater awareness, and see challenges as opportunities leading to better fulfillment and less stress in many areas of your life. Assessments offered for individuals and companies that dive into understanding individual and team dynamics.

Individual Mindfulness Wellness Meditations

Individual Mindfulness Wellness Meditations

Enroll in our Individual mindfulness wellness meditation sessions where you’ll concentrate on stress management, resilience, empowerment, unlocking your potential and living authentically.
Three steps to success

We will help you
every step of the way

Our courses can help you achieve a well-balanced life while being aware of all aspects of ourselves: mind, body, and heart.

Benefits of Mindfulness

lotus, therapy, meditation, relax
Reduce stress

Practical coping skills to improve your ability to handle stressful situations

yoga, exercise, calm, therapy
Balance your life

Find the harmony between mind, body and heart

herbal, tea, natural, healthy
Stretch your mind

Take control of your thoughts to be truly present in your life

meditation, therapy, relaxation, yoga
Self Compassion

Tap into the power and beauty of yourself and your unique strengths

herbal, mortar, pestle, medicine
Improve metabolism

Greater awareness of the interplay of mind and body in health and illness

yoga, relax, exercise, therapy
Increased strength

Gentle full body conditioning exercises to strengthen your body 

Mindfulness for the untamed spirit


© 2020 Mindfulness Life Coaching is proudly powered by Towers Marketing Group
Photos by Femke Tewari Photography