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Welcome to Mindfulness Life Coaching

We’re so glad you found us. Together we’re going to learn how to live with intention and presence.

About Kendra Malloy

Kendra Lea Malloy is a Qualified Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) Teacher-Level 1 from the Mindfulness Center-Brown University School of Public Health. She has also received training to teach Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT-L) for Life course through the Oxford Mindfulness Center. Kendra also is a Professional Life Coach with Certification in Energy Leadership Index Master Practitioner (ELI-MP) and a BA in Psychology, Family Studies and Counseling. Through Mindfulness Life Coaching, LLC she uses her skills to partner with participants in group settings and one-on-one to reach more awareness in their lives. In addition, Kendra is a Holistic Nutrition Professional that offers Health & Wellness coaching through the Food Matters Institute out of Australia. She resides in Miami, Florida raising four children and has lived and traveled internationally with her husband.


What people say

Loved by our customers

Completing the MBSR program made me realize it was so worthwhile to take the time to focus on my mind, my body, and my heart. This is something that I never ever have taken the time to do. Kendra and Nathalie are amazing teachers who co-facilitated the program skillfully and made it so relaxing and rewarding. I think everyone needs to take a course in mindfulness!
Nantucket, Massachusetts
My overall experience of the MBSR program was excellent, frankly I thought it was going to be too much of a commitment, but it ended up being very manageable and something that I looked forward to each week. The course showed me how to slow down and appreciate all of the beauty that we have in the world. MBSR allowed me to reduce stress, open up to greater awareness, increase happiness and have more gratitude. And the value for money proposition is very favorable!
Miami, Florida
The instructors were very helpful during the classes, giving us tips and guidance. We often worked in smaller groups, which made the class engaging and interesting. One thing I learned about myself is that I tend to overthink about future scenarios or past occurrences, missing being truly present. This was a good challenge and opportunity to learn unexpected things about yourself. Highly recommend it!
Arlington, Virginia
Signing up for the MBSR Course with Kendra & Nathalie was one of the best decisions I have ever made!! They complement one another beautifully, with much wisdom to deliver to the whole class. Our class happened to have ages 21-81……all ages can benefit from all their combined knowledge on being mindful in our everyday lives. Much to focus on, a delightful experience!!!!
Naples, Florida
The MBSR Course was amazing. It taught me to pause, especially in the chaotic moments, and truly understand how I am feeling in that moment and what I am feeling in the body and mind. I learned that I often forget to breathe! I need to slow down and savor sensations and experiences and tune into what I am feeling, sensing, thinking and even hearing. The course was really helpful to my everyday life, I can now check in with myself, do a quick body scan and even rechart the course if needed. I would highly recommend this course to my friends!
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I had an amazing experience throughout the MBSR course. The instructors, Kendra and Nathalie led the classes with their hearts and minds open and with compassion. Although, I had taken the MBSR course before with a different instructor and enjoyed it, this time I was able to go deeper with my practice and bring more patience and less stress into my life. I have learned how to stop, pause, and use the breath space before automatically reacting to things without thinking. I have taken away how to be more patient and mindful in everyday moments. I encourage everyone to learn how to bring more mindfulness into their lives!
Mansfield, Massachusetts
Landing in a course led by Nathalie & Kendra is a unique way to embrace mindfulness. Their passion and long experience for this practice is a true asset to engage with full confidence in this self transforming journey. Their guided meditations are very powerful: soft voice, clear instructions with sustained silence, awakening presence. Their precious advice throughout the 8 week program helps trust the process. They emphasizes the importance of practice and their own long proficiency gives ways to go around resistance when it arises. All classes are supported with very subtle and sensitive poems. They were able to create a beautiful alchemy with all participants. An unforgettable moment. Thank you!!
Lausanne, Switzerland
I truly enjoyed the MBSR program. I never thought that daily mindfulness practices could have such a big impact on my everyday life. I learned that I often focus on the past and the near future, rather than the present. I would recommend the course because it enabled me to de-stress and build greater self-awareness. I am extremely grateful for having had the opportunity to participate! Bravo!
Washington DC
My expectations were high when I decided to sign up for this 8 week program of Mindfulness with Kendra & Nathalie, as I had been practicing yoga and meditation for many years and was at a crossroad in my own practice that needed some external intervention. Kendra & Nathalie helped reassess my priorities and gave my practice a new dimension. They were so welcoming that I immediately felt in good hands. Their passion is so tangible that it embarks you right away on a long transforming journey effortless. The silent retreat offered midway was extremely well prepared and powerful - and a true revelation for many of the participants. All concepts were very well introduced and always enhanced with beautiful poems - we covered topics such as limitations, auto-pilot mode, inner wisdom, resistance, acceptance to name a few. Kendra & Nathalie excel in connecting people and it definitely gave an extra touch to the class. An unforgettable experience. Merci!
Lausanne, Switzerland
The facilitators of the MBSR Program were dedicated to the participants every need, and were super responsive and available at all times. What really struck me was understanding that our thoughts and emotions are not identical with “who” we are. I found this quite liberating! Another important learning I took away was the “recognizing/accepting” part of MBSR that unfolded when I stopped trying to push away unwanted feelings &/thoughts and cultivate the ability to look right at them and accept them and then let go. I found that this took away a lot of underlying pressures. I would highly recommend this program to a friend because MBSR is a tool that helps you to feel more grounded and connected in this world.
Moputo, Mozambique
The course can improve your wellbeing by strengthening the relationship between the mind and body. I also noticed physical improvements. For example, the mindful movement meditations allowed me to stretch my muscles, and the body scan helped me find areas of my body that needed attention and tend to them. Often, I did not expect to find soreness but then when I did locate it, I was able to stretch and or take a much needed break from other activity. I had a great experience throughout the program and found the classes and practices very relaxing and encouraged me to take the time to slow down my mind and use mindfulness in everyday life!
Boston, Massachusetts
I enjoyed the MBSR classes very much! It gave me the opportunity to learn and practice being in the moment, even in the midst of business and experiencing a lot of emotions! It reminded me of the importance of connecting with nature and nurturing myself through self-care. Cultivating more mindfulness practices in my everyday life supported me in learning to be more present with myself with kindness and gentleness to whatever the experience is, which fostered the relationship with self, and others.
Miami, Florida
Mindfulness for the untamed spirit


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Photos by Femke Tewari Photography